Federal retirement planning company, Federal Educators, shares what states will not tax your federal retirement benefits such as FERS, TSP, and Social Security.
Bereavement Leave for Federal Employees Explained
Federal Educators federal retirement planning advisors offer an explanation for how bereavement leave for federal employees works.
Our Guide to Designating Your FEGLI Beneficiaries
Federal Educators guides you through the varied policies of the FEGLI program so you can understand it better.
Choosing a FEHB Health Plan in 2023? Read This
Federal Educators guides you through the three most important health plan considerations you should know when choosing a FEHB Health plan in 2023.
5 Ways an HSA Is Valuable for Federal Employees
Federal Educators is here to help you understand the benefits of a health savings plan HSA for federal employees.
Retirement Mistake: Not Planning For FEHB Early
Federal Educators shares why waiting too late to apply for the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program is a huge mistake.