Founded 15 years before the Social Security program, the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) is a retirement plan that is available to federal employees. It was never meant to supplement Social Security benefits, rather it is a stand-alone government pension program, so federal employees can receive both the CSRS annuity and Social Security benefits. The…
Does FERS Reduce Your Social Security Benefits?
As a government employee, you may be familiar with the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) and the various benefits it offers. However, one question that often arises is whether participating in FERS can have an impact on your Social Security benefits. With retirement planning being a crucial aspect of every individual’s financial journey, it becomes…
3 Ways COLAS Can Affect Federal Disability Retirement
If you are a disabled federal employee who has received Federal Disability Retirement, you may be wondering if Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) will affect your annuity. COLAs are periodic adjustments made to retirement and other benefit plans to help offset the effects of inflation on fixed incomes. As a disabled retiree, it’s important to understand how…
Civil Service Retirement System vs. Federal Employee Retirement System – What’s The Difference?
Retirement is a major consideration for anyone who has worked or is currently working in the civil service sector. Two popular retirement systems that are often discussed are the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS). While both retirement options provide benefits to federal employees upon their retirement, there are…
Here’s How Rising Interest Rates Can Affect Your Retirement
As a government employee, your federal retirement is one of the most significant benefits you’ll receive during your career. However, the impact of rising interest rates on this benefit cannot be ignored. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about how changes in interest rates can affect our economy and financial markets. But what…
5 Reasons to Consider Replacing Your FEGLI
As a government employee, you have access to a range of federal benefits, including the Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program. While this program offers valuable coverage for you and your loved ones, it may not be the best fit for everyone’s needs. If you’re considering whether to replace your FEGLI policy, there are…