
The Most Common Alternatives To Investing In TSP’s

Are you a federal employee looking to diversify your retirement portfolio beyond the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)? While TSPs are a popular choice for many, exploring alternative investment options could potentially enhance your long-term financial security. Here, our team at The Federal Educators explores some of the most common alternatives to investing in TSPs that…

5 Considerations When Picking An FEHB Plan

Are you a federal employee overwhelmed by the countless options of FEHB plans available to you? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. With so many choices, it can be intimidating and confusing trying to find the right plan that meets your healthcare needs.  We understand that selecting a healthcare plan can feel like venturing into uncharted…

Should Retired Federal Employees Draw From a Traditional Or Roth TSP First?

As the golden years approach, retired federal employees are faced with an important decision: should they tap into their Traditional or Roth Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) first? It’s a question that carries significant implications for their financial future.  While the answer may seem straightforward, it’s not just about satisfying immediate financial needs; it’s about making…

New Requirement To Make Catch-Up Contributions Solely To Roth TSPs In 2024

Attention government employees: there’s a new retirement savings regulation on the horizon that could have a big impact on your financial future. In 2024, some federal workers will be required to make catch-up contributions exclusively to their Roth TSP accounts.  If you’re not familiar with the Roth TSP or what catch-up contributions entail, don’t worry…